The Dutch Republic and its Status in the American Colonial Context after the Treaty of Utrecht


  • Ana Crespo Solana Instituto de Historia, CSIC
  • Wim Klooster Clark University



Dutch Republic, Slave Trade, Early Modern History, Dutch West India Company, Colonial Trade, War of the Spanish Succession


During the War of Spanish Succession, the Dutch Republic fought alongside the Austrians and their allies against the Bourbon party. Still, and in spite of its alliance with England, the treaties of Utrecht did not leave the Dutch Republic in a good position. In this article, these treaties’ consequences for the commercial and colonial Dutch expansion in the Atlantic world are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Crespo Solana, A., & Klooster, W. (2015). The Dutch Republic and its Status in the American Colonial Context after the Treaty of Utrecht. Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 72(1), 125–148.


