The Lands Tax of 1622 and the Debate over Property and the Colonial Rights of the Indians


  • Luis Miguel Glave Universidad Pablo de Olavide



Composition of lands, Tariffs, Agricultural property, Spoliation of Indians, Property rights, Legal opinions


This article analyses the 1622 tax on the sale of lands within the context of the broad debate regarding the lawfulness of the sale and composition of properties, initiated at the end of the sixteenth century. The opportunity to press upon the natives’ resources is studied, as well as the defensive measures available to them, while striving to call attention to the dialogue between metropolitan policy – which sought to increase monetary resources in times of need – and discrepancies within the Andean kingdom at a time of legal and administrative changes that attempted to respond to imperial demands.


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How to Cite

Glave, L. M. (2014). The Lands Tax of 1622 and the Debate over Property and the Colonial Rights of the Indians. Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 71(1), 79–106.




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