The Improbable Life of Juana Escobar. Slavery, Intimacy and Freedom in Ponce, Puerto Rico, 1815-1830




Slavery, Freedom, Woman, Porto Rico, 19th Century


This article focuses on Juana Escobar, an enslaved women in Ponce, Porto Rico, in the beginning of the nineteenth Century. This case study shows how she could earn her freedom, becoming a businesswoman and slaveowner. During the transition to «second slavery», some enslaved women became free and wealthy, creating a safe environment for them and their children.


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How to Cite

Belmonte Postigo, J. L. (2023). The Improbable Life of Juana Escobar. Slavery, Intimacy and Freedom in Ponce, Puerto Rico, 1815-1830. Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 80(2), 657–686.




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