Defection of elites and rebellious taxation: the underground history of the Cuban Revolution
Batista Dictatorship (1952-1958), 26th of July Movement, Revolutionary Tax, Raúl Castro, Second Eastern Front, Cuban RevolutionAbstract
With the triumph of the Cuban Revolution came the rise of its myths. The virtuality of the epic narrative and its explanatory power managed to cross the borders of the Caribbean, and was also projected by different historiographies. This article, thanks to rarely consulted documentary sources from Cuban archives and institutions, aims to shed light on at least two aspects that have been insufficiently explored. On the one hand, we re-examine the political-military strategy of the insurgency and argue that the Fidelista guerrilla infrastructure was stronger than what has been assumed traditionally. On the other hand, we prove the Cuban economic elites shifted from supporting the Batista regime to paying revolutionary taxes, thus contributing to its collapse.
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