Journal Sections


The journal publishes historical research papers oriented to the knowledge of the societies of the American continent, as well as other subjects such as literary criticism, political science or anthropology, in an attempt to promote multidisciplinary dialogue. Articles must be rigorously original and unpublished, not be subject to evaluation by another journal at the time of submission, and not be available to the public - in whole or in part - in any format.

Admission of articles is subject to compliance with editorial standards regarding length, format and authorship. Articles are examined by the specialists of the Editorial Board, who assess their suitability to the interests of the journal and report on their formal and scientific suitability. If the report is positive, the articles are submitted to the external evaluation system by at least two specialists, by double-blind peer review, requesting additional opinions if necessary. Based on the external reviews, the Editorial Board adopts the final decision on the articles, which is communicated within a maximum period of approximately 6 months.


Monographic section, with one or two coordinators and four to eight articles, headed by an introduction that justifies their historiographic interest. The total length of the dossier does not exceed 75,000 words. Each article follows the general requirements for individual submissions, being subject to external double-blind peer review. Dossier proposals are approved by the Editorial Board, which determines their suitability and sets deadlines. In its approval, priority is given to theoretical and methodological approaches of a novel nature or historiographical progress, evaluating the unity and coherence of the articles submitted. Gender balance among authors is positively appreciated, as well as their internationality and institutional diversity.

Bibliographical reviews

It publishes reviews and critical essays on recently published books (last three years), of interest to the scope of the journal, and inserted in a current historiographical and theoretical debate. Their length may range from 3 to 6 pages. In the case of reviews of a group of works, the maximum length is 10 pages. Proposals are subject to approval by the Editorial Board.

Editorial Note

This section is included in the journal from time to time to communicate to the public some relevant information. It is signed by the Editorial Board.