The Early Slave Trade from Angola to Spanish America and Brazil, 1575-1595




Angola, Slavery, Slave trade, Brazil, Caribbean, Río de la Plata


In this essay we use new and overlooked sources to provide a chronology for the early slave trade from Angola to Spanish America, beginning with two voyages that sailed from Luanda Island soon after the arrival of the first governor of Portuguese Angola. Similar voyages to the Caribbean and Río de la Plata were common after 1595, but during the preceding decade, the traffic of enslaved Africans from Angola to Spanish America was largely an extension of an older, more intensive trade from Angola to Brazil.


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How to Cite

Wheat, D. ., & Schultz, K. D. . (2022). The Early Slave Trade from Angola to Spanish America and Brazil, 1575-1595. Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 79(2), 487–514.


