Pedro de Berástegui: Chemistry, Tobacco and Counterinsurgency at the Service of the Bourbon Reforms in the Province of Venezuela (1779-1784)




Enlightenment, Enlightened Official, Bourbon Reforms, Comuneros, Province, History of Science, Venezuela


Pedro de Berástegui represents a certain manifestation of imperial reforms in the Captaincy General of Venezuela —he is obedient and devoted to the authorities of the Captaincy, loyal and committed to the scientific and military missions entrusted to him. From this perspective, the article introduces a new outlook on both the Venezuelan Captaincy General during a period of reforms as well as the unrest and the different interests and ideals that guided these Bourbon officials of the 18th century.


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How to Cite

Cardozo-Uzcátegui, A. . (2021). Pedro de Berástegui: Chemistry, Tobacco and Counterinsurgency at the Service of the Bourbon Reforms in the Province of Venezuela (1779-1784). Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 78(2), 539–566.


