Correspondence for an Alliance: The Letters of Jean-François Papillon, Georges Biassou, and Toussaint Bréda to Colonial Authorities in Santo Domingo (1791-1794)




Alliance, Correspondence, Diplomacy, Haitian Revolution, Santo Domingo


In the spring of 1793, Jean-François Papillon, Georges Biassou, and Toussaint Bréda, leaders of the Haitian Revolution, started negotiations to join the Spanish colonial army in Santo Domingo. The generals’ correspondence evidences the conditions that favoured their inclusion into the Spanish colonial troops, and the existence of previous contacts between the former and the latter. The goal of this article is to study the content of the letters in order to identify the reasons of both parts of the alliance.


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How to Cite

Pinto Tortosa, A. J. . (2021). Correspondence for an Alliance: The Letters of Jean-François Papillon, Georges Biassou, and Toussaint Bréda to Colonial Authorities in Santo Domingo (1791-1794). Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 78(1), 197–222.


