Spanish Immigration to Argentine and their Contemporary Transnational Dynamics: the Case of Castellanos y Leoneses in Buenos Aires




Spanish Emigration, Argentina, Assimilation, Transnationalism, Cultural Dynamics


This paper focuses on the postwar Spanish emigration to Argentina, decades later. In the new century, Spanish emigrants as well as their descendants work together in their entities to keep alive the memory of their land of origin, creating networks with Spanish institutions when this collectivity is part of the mainstream. Although it seems a paradox, transnational cultural practices can occur at the same time immigrants become integrated; such is the case of Spanish emigrants from Castilla y León in Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Merino Hernando, A. (2019). Spanish Immigration to Argentine and their Contemporary Transnational Dynamics: the Case of Castellanos y Leoneses in Buenos Aires. Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 76(1), 101–119.


