From Forgotten Area to Platform of Expansion. Central America in the Cartographic Representations and English Naval Projects (1680-1742)




Central America, Maps, Navigation, English, Expeditions, Accounts


The aim of this article is to analyze how the English became interested in Central America and planned to use it as a platform to extend their naval activities from the Atlantic to the Pacific. They revealed their intentions in their accounts of their voyages and in their maps. Those accounts and maps became instruments of power to justify their advances, and by means of them, they tried to make their presence permanent. Is important to analyze this process because the English used this method again in other areas.


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How to Cite

Pinzón Ríos, G. (2018). From Forgotten Area to Platform of Expansion. Central America in the Cartographic Representations and English Naval Projects (1680-1742). Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 75(1), 185–210.


