Roberto Arlt’s The desert island: a conversation with Antonin Artaud’s theatre of cruelty in Plato’s cavern


  • Spyros Mavridis Universidad Abierta de Grecia



Theatre, Argentinean Theatre, Latin-American drama, Arlt, Roberto, 1900-1942, Artaud, Antonin, 1896-1948, Theatre of Cruelty, Theatre history, Latin-American Literature, The desert island, Experimental drama, Drama–20th Century, French drama


The article explores the convergences between the theatre of cruelty of Antonin Artaud and the parallel search of Roberto Arlt’s specific case of his work The desert island. It indicates the traceable influences in this piece and highlights its inspiration as it originates from Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Furthermore, a synthesis of these two theatrical projects is performed where both simalarities and differences of the two versions of cruelty are presented.


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How to Cite

Mavridis, S. (2014). Roberto Arlt’s The desert island: a conversation with Antonin Artaud’s theatre of cruelty in Plato’s cavern. Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 71(1), 313–332.


