Perspectives on Atlantic History: some shared views of religion


  • Jaime Contreras Universidad de Alcalá
  • Rosa María Martínez de Codes Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Cultural History, Religion, Atlantic History, Puritanism, Catholicism, Comparative History


Atlantic History has paid little attention to the common basis that originated a religious culture in the New World. This research rather than emphasizing the different cultural ways of colonizing in the British Empire and the Spanish Empire focuses on the complimentary aspects on both spaces in order to settle down those elements that contribute to a well-integrated Atlantic History.


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How to Cite

Contreras, J., & Martínez de Codes, R. M. (2010). Perspectives on Atlantic History: some shared views of religion. Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 67(1), 189–207.


