Dehumanized Mothers: the Invisibility of Cuban Wet Nurses




Visual Culture, Slavery, Wet Nurses, Maternity, Cuba


This paper analyses the image of wet nurses in Cuba, based on the imaginary that have come down to us having the Cuban wet nurse as their main topic. On the one hand, we analyse the few images of Cuban wet nurses on canvas and pictures from 19th century and, on the other hand, some postcards from the beginning of 20th century. Through this analysis, we demonstrate the process of cancellation and dehumanization suffered by wet nurses, usually Afro-descendants, in Atlantic slave-owning societies such as the Cuban region.


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How to Cite

Garrido Moreno, E. . (2023). Dehumanized Mothers: the Invisibility of Cuban Wet Nurses. Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 80(2), 485–509.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers 1ID2020-112730GB-I00

Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Grant numbers PID2020-112730GB-I00