The empire changes in parts: Postal Concessions and Administrations in the Spanish Atlantic (1700-1750)




Correo Mayor, Postal Administrations, Communication, Mail, Spanish America, Bourbons, Habsburgs


The article analyzes the coexistence of Correo Mayor concessions and postal administrations in the Spanish Atlantic world. In Castile, postal concessions were extinguished and incorporated into the Crown after 1700. In the Indies, this process extended for at least half a century. However, this did not pose an obstacle to integrating overseas and overland circuits. I intend to show that the legal situation of the Correo Mayor concessions in America, the installation costs, and the difficulty of offering a postal service comparable to that of the Habsburgs led to the introduction of postal administrations (in the Indies) separately and at different paces.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez Martinez, N. F. (2024). The empire changes in parts: Postal Concessions and Administrations in the Spanish Atlantic (1700-1750). Anuario De Estudios Americanos, 81(1), e05.


